Hapū Hauora has been developed specifically by Toi Te Ora Public Health for whānau and hapū with input from Māori health staff, and a reference group consisting of active hapū and marae members who also work in the health sector. Hapū Hauora has also been informed by experts in the health field, including Medical Officers of Health and content sourced from reputable organisations and providers.
Hapū Hauora is a free resource which will help you learn new skills and get plenty of ideas to help make the healthy choice the easy choice at your marae and home. It has lots of tools and tips to help you, your whānau and hapū to:
Subscribe to our pānui to stay up to date with the latest news from Hapū Hauora.
For more information call 0800 221 555 or email hapū.hauora@bopdhb.govt.nz.
Local hapū have provided the Hapū Hauora team with lots of support, advice, and ideas which will help marae encourage and embrace healthy habits within their hapū. Key hapū involved with the development of Hapū Hauora include: Ngāti Hokopū (Wairaka and Hokowhitu marae), Ngāti Rua (Ōmarumutu marae), and Ngāti Rere (Rāhiri marae).
The Hapū Hauora logo was co-developed by Laine Heitia (Ngāti Pūkeko), Christine Clark (Bay of Plenty District Health Board), with input from Toi Te Ora Public Health. It was based on an original design by Kylie Wharewera (Ngāti Awa). The background design includes whakapapa and the various generations within a whānau (ngā koroua me ngā kuia, ngā mātua, me ngā tamariki).
Did you know that eating healthy, being smokefree, avoiding infections, reducing alcohol consumption and being active can help you to live a long and healthy life!
There’s lots of research that tells us this. Doing these five things can help reduce your chance of developing serious diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. Sadly, a large number of Māori, tamariki, and whānau already have, or are at risk of developing these diseases. Together we want to change that!
Hapū Hauora aims to provide baskets of knowledge - 'Ngā Kete Mātauranga' around five health prioirities; oranga kai, auahi kore, te karonga I ngā momo mate, whakakore waipiro and korikori tīnana. Within these kete you’ll find resources, tips, and step by step advice for ways to improve your health and the health of your hapū - using the marae to set the example and lead the way for our tamariki!
In addition to the support provided from three local hapū, the Hapū Hauora Reference Group provides direction and support. All past and present members work in the health sector and are active members of their hapū.
From left: Hatea Ruru (Oral Health Promoter – Bay of Plenty District Health Board), Walter Harawira (Stop Smoking Practitioner - Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance), Ani Tai (Health Promoter, Te Pou Oranga ō Whakatōhea), Guy Monica (Health Promoter, Te Puna Ora ō Mataatua) and Brad Bluett (Te Whānau ā Apanui, Ngāti Awa and Ngaiterangi).
Absent: Kelly Johnson (Health Promoter - Tūwharetoa Ki Kawerau Hauora), Des Harawira (Community Action Youth and Drugs (CAYAD) Co-ordinator - Te Tohu ō Te Ora ō Ngāti Awa), Raewyn Trainor (Immunsiation Advocate - Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance).
Toi Te Ora Public Health (Toi Te Ora) is the public health unit for the Bay of Plenty and Lakes regions.
‘Toi Te Ora’ suggests the idea of enduring wellbeing. ‘Toi’ is the name of a celebrated ancestor in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and ‘Ora’ is to be alive, well and healthy.
Toi Te Ora works with communities to help improve the health of its people. Toi Te Ora works in lots of different settings to help promote and improve health such as in kura, early childhood centres, workplaces, local councils and other community and public places.
Toi Te Ora is very proud to have facilitated the development of Hapū Hauora.
Whāia te hauora i roto i te kotahitanga - a healthier Tairāwhiti by working together is the kaupapa and driving force of Hauora Tairāwhiti District Health Board (Hauora Tairāwhiti). Hauora Tairāwhiti funds and provides health care services across the Tairāwhiti region, and promotes health and wellbeing to whānau living in Tairāwhiti.
Hauora Tairāwhiti has teamed up with Toi Te Ora Public Health (Toi Te Ora) to whakarangatira and awhi our people by promoting Hapū Hauora to help whānau achieve and celebrate overall wellness.
The link between Hauora Tairāwhiti and the coverage area of Toi Te Ora (Bay of Plenty and Lakes) are steeped in rich history. “Te Tai Rāwhiti” – the tides that are shone upon – is the indigenous name for the Tairāwhiti coastal region which is the first in the world to greet the sun each day. Toi a celebrated ancestor from Tairāwhiti and the Bay of Plenty is a direct descendant of Maui tikitiki a Taranga - the sun tamer and fisher of the North Island. Toi is the forefather of many rangatira from both regions.
Hauora Tairāwhiti share a vision with Toi Te Ora of empowering whānau to make the healthy choice the easy choice. Throughout Hapū Hauora you will find links to useful hauora related information, resources and support services for hapū that are available to anyone right across Aoteaora, as well as links to support specific to our rōhe to help you and your hapū achieve hauora.
For more information, you can contact the Hapū Hauora team on 0800 221 555 or email hapū.hauora@bopdhb.govt.nz.
A key strength of Hapū Hauora has been its collaborative design and development. There has been countless contributions from the hapū directly involved, the Hapū Hauora reference group, and many stakeholders. So many have shared expertise, support and guidance.
Hapū Hauora would like to acknowledge:
Toi Te Ora Public Health Hapū Hauora Team:
Health Improvement Manager – Sharon Kennedy-Muru
Communications Advisor – Liz Thomas
Project support – Michelle Adams, Mel Arnold and Sarah Stevenson
Ngāti Rere Hapū (Rāhiri Marae)
Ngāti Rua Hapū (Ōmarumutu Marae)
Ngāti Hokopū Hapū (Te Whare ō Toroa Marae and Te Hokowhitu ā Tū ki te Rāhui)
Te Patuwai Hapū (Toroa Marae)
Te Wharepaia Hapū (Te Whare ō Toroa Marae)
Reference Group Members:
Aporina Chapman, Ian Guy, Hatea Ruru, Diane Ruru, Raewyn Trainor, Moana Hoera, Michelle Paruru, Danny Paruru, Ani Tai,Geoff Bristowe, Crete Wana, Tui Edwards, Patrick Salmon, Nita Walker,Guy Monika, Shonelle Iopata,Des Harawira, Walter Harawira, Johanna Wilson, Sela Kingi, Kelly Johnson, Calvin Kingi, Lisa Ranapia, Tuihi Carre, Frances Pease, Josie Grootjans.
Bay of Plenty District Health Board Māori Health Services Team – Amohaere Tangitu and Pouroto Ngaropo;
Lakes Regional Māori Health team Phyllis Tangitu and Eru George
Te Tohu ō Te Ora ō Ngāti Awa
Te Puna Ora ō Mataatua
Te Pou Oranga ō Whakatōhea
Te Waimana Kaaku
Tūwharetoa Ki Kawerau Hauora
REKA Trust - Mate and Sonny Heitia
Williams Whanau (Toroa Marae)
Te Pua Designs - Laine Heitia
Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance
Toi Te Ora Public Health Medical Officers of Health - Dr Jim Miller, Dr Phil Shoemack and Dr Neil de Wet
Toi Te Ora Public Health Communicable Disease Nurses - Lindsay Lowe and Brenida Dixon
Health Promotion Agency
Midland Māori Immunisation Advisor- Mitch Fray
Hapainga Auahi Kore Team
Toi Tangata
Health Promotion Forum
Community Dietitian - Siobhan Miller
Bay of Plenty District Health Board Graphic Designer - Christine Clark
Bay of Plenty District Health Board Oral Health Promotion Team
Tipu Ora – Manaaki Ora Auahi Kore
Western Bay Primary Health Alliance
Cancer Society New Zealand
Heart Foundation New Zealand
Let's continue to work together to achieve the kaupapa of Hapū Hauora.