Hapu Hauora


Nearly 85% of New Zealanders are smokefree – that means most of us are choosing not to smoke!  Ka rawe!

Being smokefree and having smokefree environments help support the  health and wellbeing of our families and whānau. 
We know tobacco kills, so it makes sense to be smokefree and share a long healthy and happy life with our whānau.

What are the stages of smoking?

Moving from a non-smoker to an addicted smoker is shown in the five stage process below: 

Adapted from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Generally it takes about two to three years for someone to go through each of the five stages above to become an addicted smoker.

Research shows that the longer smoking is delayed, the less likely a person is to become a daily smoker.  Initiation to smoking usually occurs during primary – intermediate school age, with daily smoking habits typically starting before secondary school.  This is why it is so important to role model smokefree to our tamariki who are easily influenced.

What areas can we make smokefree?

You can make a powerful statement that smoking is not for you or your whānau by showing smoking isn’t a normal part of life.  By doing this you will make it less likely your children or mokopuna will start to smoke.

Make the following places smokefree:

  • Your marae
    Having an auahi kore marae will assist in the protection of your tamariki, kaimahi, whānau and manuhiri from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.  Making your marae smokefree is a positive step towards making your marae a place of whānau ora.  If your marae has employees or volunteers, a kura kaupapa or kōhanga reo, or has a liquor licence, it will need to be smokefree/auahi kore inside to comply with the Smokefree Environments Act.  The Hapū Hauora Marae Auahi Kore Guidelines have been created to assist you in making your marae auahi kore.

  • Your home
    Ask your family and whānau to support you by not smoking in the house.  You can go one step further and ask them not to smoke at all!  If whānau are smoking, keep cigarettes, lighters and reminders like ashtrays safely away from children.  Ask whānau to smoke where tamariki won't see them.  Let other people know smoking is not allowed in your house – put smokefree/auahi kore stickers on your windows.

  • Your car
    Ask your family and whānau to support you by not smoking in your car.  Remove ashtrays and lighters from your car and display smokefree/auahi kore stickers to show you mean business!  The smokefree cars toolkit will help you and your hapū to promote the smokefree cars message to whānau.

  • Outdoor areas
    New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to go smokefree in hospitality venues.  Outdoor places like parks, sports grounds and playgrounds all around New Zealand are going smokefree too.  As a member of your community, you can play a big part in introducing smokefree outdoor areas.  Start by talking with your hapū, then local community groups, schools, church groups, and your council about what is already in place and what else needs to be done to make your community auahi kore.

  • Kōhanga Reo and Kura
    Kōhanga reo and Kura are required to be smoke and  vape free under the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990.  It is illegal to smoke or vape inside kōhanga reo or kura, or anywhere on the grounds.

    ‘No Vaping’ signage must be displayed by 11 May 2021. ‘No Smoking and Vaping’ notices can be combined or on separate signage. Signage and stickers will be available for order through the Smokefree website in 2021.

    If you have any questions email vaping@health.govt.nz